When Should You Engage the Services of a DUI Lawyer?

When is the right time to hire a DUI lawyer? You should hire a DUI attorney right after your arrest, but there are specific circumstances where hiring a lawyer becomes a must. In the following circumstances, you require the expert services of a DUI lawyer:

·Plea Bargain to Get Your Sentence Reduced

If the prosecutor is offering you a plea bargain to get your sentence reduced, you will benefit greatly by having a skilled DUI lawyer to help you negotiate the deal. The prosecutor may even offer you sentence bargaining where you plead guilty to the DUI charge and have signed an agreement with the prosecutor on the type of punishment you would get. Whether you are opting for a plea bargain or sentence bargaining, you will require a qualified DUI attorney to guide you through the legal process.

·Suspension of Your License

Having your license suspended is a life-changing punishment from driving under the influence. It can affect your day-to-day routine, as you will have to depend on others to get you to work, school, any place for that matter. If you use your car for work purposes, a DUI can have negative effects on your job. Your DUI lawyer will have the knowledge on how to reduce the duration of the license suspension so you can have it back as quickly as possible. For instance, agreeing on a plea bargain is one way to prevent license suspension.

·Procedural Issues with Your DUI Arrest

Even though getting a DUI charge dropped is not easy, it is also not impossible. If you believe there were procedural issues with your DUI arrest, you need to hire a DUI lawyer who can prove that. For instance, if you were not aware of your rights when the police arrested you or you failed the sobriety test even though you did not have anything to drink, convey this to your DWI attorney. Your lawyer will make a case around the procedural issues you encountered when you were arrested.

·They Charged You with Several Crimes

If the police charged you with more than one crime, you need to hire a DUI lawyer. It will not be wise to represent yourself in court, as the other charges can include evading arrest, property damage, child endangerment, or injury to another driver or pedestrian. Even if the police charged you with a minor crime such as an unpaid traffic ticket, you should still hire a DUI lawyer. Your attorney will prioritize your charges and take the appropriate action to get some of the charges dropped.

More importantly, you need to engage the services of an experienced and qualified DUI/DWI defense lawyer to take your case to court.

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