The Average Settlement For A Car Accident Back And Neck Injury

Sustaining a back or neck injury when you have been in a car accident can be life-changing. In some cases, your injury may be so bad that you cannot work in your current job or field any further. Or perhaps, despite extensive rehab and therapy, you will never get back to how you felt pre-accident or live the life you once had. 

You may have children that need you to take care of them. But your injuries may make it difficult or impossible for you to handle it on your own, so you have to make more frequent or intensive use of childcare services, which can cost a lot. 

Due to the circumstances surrounding your accident, you may be able to make a claim against the person that caused the crash where you were injured. That claim could result in a monetary payout. So, how much can you expect from a car accident settlement when you file a personal injury case

It is always a good idea to have a basic understanding of how car accident settlements in Virginia work before approaching an attorney who can help you if you’re a victim of negligent driving. 

Let’s look at some basics surrounding car accident settlements before digging into what can influence the amount awarded to those who incur a back or neck injury in a car accident caused by negligent driving. 

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What Is A Car Accident Settlement?

If you’re in a car accident that was not your fault, it is possible to seek compensation from the other party. Depending on the circumstances, the amount you get as an award could reimburse you for any costs incurred as a result of the accident. A settlement is either the amount agreed to by both sides or the amount decided by a judge in a civil court case. 

What’s The Average Settlement In This Scenario?

The average settlement amount for a back and neck injury case from a car accident is hard to nail down. In reality, the official published average is not particularly helpful since every accident is inherently unique. Knowing the standard is fine, but it may not be a good indication of what you are eligible to receive. 

Automobile accident settlements are dependent on several variables specific to the car accident in question. One is the nature of any injury the victim has. 

In back and neck cases, you can claim higher amounts than other injuries as they often result in life-changing ramifications. For instance, severe back and neck injuries can limit your movement so much that you need a wheelchair. Medical complications could even confine you to a bed for the rest of your life.

Other factors, such as loss of earnings, will also help determine a settlement figure. Depending on a person’s job, the loss of profits or wages could be substantial. In addition, medical costs may be very high. A settlement should reflect those costs fairly. 

One of the subjective variables in a personal injury care is the idea of pain and suffering attributed to the accident. Mentally speaking, an accident can be difficult and challenging to recover from. That can mean an accident can negatively impact a person for months—if not years—after the event. That is what a car accident settlement is about–to compensate victims for what they had to endure. 

Average Car Accident Settlements For Back And Neck Injuries

It may be frustrating to try to boil a car accident settlement for back and neck injuries down to one definitive figure. However, given all the variables and factors involved, seeking legal guidance from a trained professional is vital. 

Using an attorney is one of the best ways to protect yourself against being awarded a far too low figure that is not reflective of the pain and suffering from your injury. Legal professionals will have the knowledge and expertise necessary to confirm that any settlement amount you are eligible for is fair—so get the help you deserve.

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