How To Fill Out Divorce Papers

At first glance, divorce papers can seem complicated. There is a lot of information that needs to be provided, and all of it must be accurate. Failure to complete divorce papers properly can lead to delays, as well as additional financial burdens. But don’t be unnerved if you ask yourself “what do divorce papers look like?”.

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Read Everything Carefully

This might sound obvious, but taking the time to read through all of the forms is absolutely crucial. Do not rush. Consider each question, piece of information and request for additional paperwork thoroughly so as to not make a mistake or omission. Do not be afraid to ask the court or your attorney for assistance if you don’t understand something. They can help you complete the necessary documentation.

Tell The Truth

When completing divorce papers, be honest. These are legal documents and providing false information can be deemed an offense under the law. This is where reading papers carefully plays a big part, because it is possible to provide false information unintentionally.

Regardless of whether it is intentional or not, providing inaccurate information can have very unpleasant consequences. At best, it can delay divorce proceedings while the correct information is confirmed and the paperwork is corrected. At worst, the provider of the information could face severe penalties in court.

Gather Additional Documents

Part of the divorce process is providing additional documentation to support what was already provided and to demonstrate honesty to the court. Proof of residency in Virginia is needed or the court will not accept the paperwork. In addition, the court needs proof of identity, the validity of the marriage, and initial evidence of the grounds for divorce. At some point, contested divorces may also require additional evidence before they can be finalized. However, in the beginning of a divorce, initial evidence and relevant grounds are usually sufficient.

Check, Then Recheck

When writing an article or a book, proofreading is important to check for errors and omissions—and to make corrections where necessary. Completing divorce papers is no exception.

Take the time to carefully read through the paperwork to ensure there is nothing missing. Confirm that all requested additional information is included, and that there are no errors. If there is a mistake on the divorce papers, don’t panic. Simply ask the court for new forms and start again.

Consult An Attorney

Some people only seek the assistance of an attorney after lodging divorce papers in court. This can be a big mistake. Consult an experienced lawyer for divorce and separation matters as soon as possible. They can assist with the forms and difficult questions, as well as provide helpful advice and guidance through the entire divorce process. They know exactly what happens after divorce papers are filed.

Do It Right The First Time

Paperwork can be daunting, but is a necessary evil in a divorce. Remember to read everything carefully. Take your time, double check, and consult your attorney if you need any further assistance. Getting the documentation right is the first step to ensuring as smooth a divorce process as possible.

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