How Much Does A Lawyer Cost For Child Custody?

If you divorce your spouse with whom you have a child, one of the main issues is the custody of your child. In many cases, spouses have very different ideas about how custody should be handled. This is where the services of a child custody attorney come in handy.

With a qualified lawyer, you will be able to argue your child custody case in a court of law to ensure that you get justice. However, these services are not free. So, you have to think about the cost of hiring a child custody attorney. Working with experienced child custody lawyers can help you make sure your money is well spent. Continue reading to discover how much it costs to hire a child custody lawyer.

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What Does A Child Custody Lawyer Do?

The amount of money you pay your child custody attorney depends on the services they offer you and what you and your attorney agree on. In most cases, a child custody lawyer will advocate for you during mediation and disputes related to the custody of your child. For instance, they will help you argue your case and convince the court that you should be given the responsibility of being the primary caregiver of your child following a separation or divorce.

Your child custody attorney will also guide you through all the paperwork involved in the lawsuit. For instance, they will help you compile all the documents that you will use as evidence in court to support your case. The lawyer will also represent you in court during hearings and help you to file an appeal, if it gets to that point. Whether you had previously filed for divorce with or without a lawyer, It is also the work of your child custody attorney to help you negotiate child support rates. So, these services will determine how much your lawyer charges you.

How Much Does A Lawyer Cost For Child Custody Cases?

First of all, it is important to note that every lawyer takes a different approach to how they bill and how much they charge their clients. For example, in a simple, uncontested case, a child custody lawyer may charge you a flat rate for all the services involved. But if you and your spouse can’t agree on custody of your child and you decide to go to court, your lawyer may charge you an hourly rate.

The hourly rate also varies depending on where you reside. Therefore, you need to ask your child custody lawyer up-front how much they will charge you for the case before you hire them.

Keep in mind that there are several other factors that determine the total amount of the bill. For example, the amount you pay your lawyer for a custody case that takes only one day to resolve is going to be much less than the amount for a case that takes weeks or months to conclude.

Also, the ease of getting all parties served with the filed motion determines how much your custody lawyer will charge. This includes the cost of hiring a process server or publishing a notice in a local newspaper, especially when the opposing party can’t be found or refuses to sign the certified mail delivered by the court. If you fail to meet all court requirements or act in bad faith, the court might decide to punish you by ordering you to pay your spouse’s attorney fees.

Therefore, the amount of money paid to a child custody lawyer depends on each specific case and a host of other factors.

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