How Much Do DUI Attorneys Charge?

If you are facing a driving under the influence (DUI) charge in Virginia, you need a strong DUI lawyer from Virginia Beach because a DUI conviction can be a life-changing event. Of course, you want the best representation possible, but you undoubtedly want to know if you can afford the lawyer, as well.

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Factors Impacting the Cost of a DUI Case

Your case’s complexity, prior record, and the lawyer’s experience all play a role in how much representation will cost. Reputable law firms, such as Coastal Virginia Law, will offer free consultations during which time you can explain the details of the case and they will provide you with a quote based on their assessment of your case.

Oftentimes, a DUI is accompanied by other motor vehicle-related charges, which can add to the cost. Additional charges will require extra time and effort on the part of an attorney, as well as a thorough investigation. Scene analysis and witness interviews can be costly.

If your case goes to trial, trial preparation and court appearances add significant time and fees.

Ballpark Costs for DUIs and Other Motor Vehicle Offenses

While the fees involved in an effective DUI defense can vary significantly, here are approximate costs by the type of motor vehicle charge:

  • DUI (first offense): $1,000-$3,000
  • DUI (third offense/felony): $5,000 or more
  • Minor offenses such as speeding or non-criminal violations: Less than $1,000

Keep in mind that multiple DUI cases are more complex and the stakes are much higher, which is why they cost more.

Options When Facing a DUI

When charged with a DUI, you have two choices. You can plead guilty and face the consequences or go to court. 

Charges may be reduced if you can negotiate a lighter sentence, and a well-negotiated plea could mean probation instead of jail time. Plea deals can save you the expense of a trial, time, and emotional strain. However, admitting guilt leaves a mark so you need to weigh the consequences carefully.

If you are unable to or don’t want to plea bargain, you will need to go to court to fight the charges. If you go this route, you risk harsher penalties if convicted.

Don’t Try to Defend Yourself Against a DUI

DUI laws in Virginia are complicated–don’t risk your future by thinking you can manage this on your own. A skilled lawyer knows these laws inside out and can build a strong defense based on procedural errors, improper testing, or lack of evidence. 

A lawyer can also identify and fight for you based on lack of probable cause, Miranda violations, and faulty breathalyzer tests. Your lawyer will have an established network of specialists ready to fight for your case and expert witnesses to challenge test results. 

If going to court is your best option, your lawyer will be your champion. They’ll vigorously challenge the prosecution’s case, present evidence, and fight for your acquittal and the most favorable outcome possible.

Find the Best Representation

Experienced attorneys understand Virginia DUI laws, local legal practices and procedures, and how to negotiate favorable plea deals. They’ll analyze your case and advise you on all your options, as well as if you can go to jail for a DUI and if your license is suspended immediately after a DUI.

Remember, a strong defense can make all the difference. Coastal Virginia Law has a proven track record of success in Virginia courts and has helped thousands of clients fight charges made against them. We have the experience that counts when you need it most.

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