5 Ways You Can Help Your DUI Lawyer Prepare Your Defense Better

If the police have charged you with a DUI, you will need the legal representation of an experienced DUI lawyer. Your lawyer will assist you fight the conviction by representing you while in custody and court. Even though your DUI attorney will create a case, there are mistakes you can make on your part that can weaken your case. If you want to increase the chances of your DWI lawyer winning your case, here are five things you must do:

1.Watch Your Words

Don’t speak to the authorities without thinking, but watch what you tell them when questioned by them and wait for your DUI lawyer to arrive by your side. Even if you think you are innocent, you should still abstain from communicating everything to the authorities, until your lawyer is present. In the United States, it is your constitutional right to remain silent.

Your DWI attorney will build a case for you, but if you start talking to the police, divulging everything without the guidance of your lawyer, the police will use what you say as evidence against you. Don’t volunteer any details to the police without asking your lawyer for advice.

2.Don’t Disclose Confidential Information

You should not disclose the details of your case to anyone, but your DUI lawyer. Even after they have incarcerated you, that information discussed between you and your lawyer should still remain between the two of you.

Even over the phone when talking with your family and friends, you should not disclose anything pertaining to your case, as they could be monitored. Moreover, use common sense when you tell others about your case, as saying something you are not supposed to say can weaken your case.

3.Come on Time

You cannot afford to come late to court. Come on time and look presentable. When you are meeting your DUI lawyer for a consultation, you should arrive on time. Your DUI attorney will provide you with information and updates on your case. If you miss consultation with your DWI lawyer, you may miss important details about your case and if you miss a court date, there is a possibility of the court issue an arrest warrant.

4.Honesty is the Best Policy

When you talk to your DUI attorney about your conviction, be honest. If you hide a detail from your DWI attorney, it can weaken your case. For instance, if you are guilty of driving under the influence, ensure you tell your lawyer every last detail. A successful client and attorney relationship is based on trust. By telling the truth, they will be prepared for any unexpected circumstances that may come about.

5.Stay in Contact

You need to stay in contact with your lawyer. If your number has changed, ensure your lawyer has your new number, as only through them, you will learn important details about your case.

If you want your DUI lawyer to prepare a successful case for you, follow these tips. If you need a DUI attorney, contact us today.

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